Special Hearted Fools
In case you didn’t know I have the most special heart on the planet, I am just the most kind, patient, caring person there could be. Most people just don’t even understand how I do what I do everyday. How do you deal with those students, how do you handle their behavior, their loudness, their challenges. Let’s be honest what everyone wants to say, how do you handle their disabilities? So let’s just get one thing straight here before we move on, I DO NOT HAVE A SPECIAL HEART, I am also not the most patient person you have ever met and no I do not feel the need to drink every night, any more than any other teacher out there. And to all of you kind hearted people out there telling your local special education teacher about their special heart, maybe stop to think what you are implying by saying telling them, “ you could never do what they do. Or “God I just don’t know how you do it.” You are implying that there is inherently some reason you could not do that, that there is something wrong with those children that makes it so much harder to manage, to teach, hell, to love those children. Do you go around telling your local 5th grade teacher how special their heart is, because if not I would sure start because come on I would take all of my students problems, challenges differences and disabilities over a classroom full of 30 snarky, pre-pubescent, hormonal 5th graders anytime. But what do I know, I am just one of those lucky few that go around “Shouting the worth” of students that were born with different abilities, so please don’t listen to me, I am just one of those Special Hearted Fools” In case you also find yourself a part of this Lucky Few I hope you find something that can make your life a little easier, your students work a little brighter, and your day a little more fun, as you watch your students rise to the occasion. Because I truly believe that when they have someone holding the bar up high and waiting for them to reach it instead of waiting for them to fail, they will rise to the occasion. Come and find me over at Teachers Pay Teachers at
My Spedtacular Special Heart!
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